On 21 June 2024, Death at Sea won the UK national award in the Postgraduate Factual – Short Form category at the prestigious Royal Television Society Student Awards 2024, sponsored by Channel 4. 

Held at Savoy Place in London and hosted by rapper Guvna B, the ceremony recognizes emerging filmmakers from universities across the United Kingdom for their talent and craftmanship. 

DaS awards 21 Feb 24

In recognizing Death at Sea as the winner, the jury announced;

“Genuinely eye-opening, powerful and important original journalism with purpose. This was a story sensitively told with strong access, opening a window into an unknown world. The film maker shone a light on a massive injustice which resulted in an accomplished and emotional film.” 

The Death at Sea team is pleased that this award will bring heightened awareness to Nicky and Tekarara’s story and to the plight of fisheries observers worldwide.  

The win is also well-timed. Human Rights at Sea International, in partnership with the Blue Marine Foundation and the Sustainable Fisheries and Communities Trust, is launching an impact campaign alongside the film’s release that advocates for justice for Eritara’s family and pushes for the adoption of critical policy that will serve to protect fisheries observers and fishers alike.  

Photo L-R:  Alexander Leeming Froudakis, Manulea Lubrano, Sara Pipernos, Mikey Sneddon.

Not present but part of the film team was Nyal Mueenuddin.



Watch out for our upcoming announcement about our impact-led justice campaign in the coming weeks!  



Watch the Trailer



Source: HRAS International

Reporting: Sara Pipernos

Photo credits: Manulea Lubrano / Alexander Leeming Froudakis

Contact: If you have any questions, please write to us at enquiries@hrasi.org.

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