Human Rights at Sea International has been instructed to assist the Northern Irish fishing community and its members to review internal processes for the safety, security and well-being of deck crew.

HRAS International has been working in Northern Ireland variously since 2017 when it was invited to commence early crew independent social reviews which were published alongside remediation activities from findings. 

In August, HRAS International was re-instructed by Anglo Northern Ireland Fish Producers Organisation (ANIFPO) and Northern Ireland Fish Producers’ Organisation (NIFPO) based in Kilkeel Harbour, Northern Ireland

As part of the expanding ESG and human rights due diligence requirements by the UK and overseas fishing supply and value chain, the need for transparent and accountable processes, protocols and access to vessel data continues to grow. 

This approach is being driven by consumer demands for transparent supply chains including strengthening environmental, biodiversity and human sustainability.

It also includes the need for more robust assurances of safe working environments for all deck crew, both domestic and foreign. This requires direct crew engagement and input.

During 2024, HRAS International will be working with its clients to drive forward standards, access and crew welfare provisions. This will be conducted, as required, alongside state licensing, auditing and other competent authorities.


Industry Press

The Fishing Daily: Action to Address Crew Social Standards in the Northern Irish Fishing Community

Fishing News: 29 August 2024 Cover and Page 5.



Source: HRAS International.

Photo credit: David Hammond, Kilkeel Harbour. 2024.

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