As part of the ongoing UK fisheries sector engagements led by Seafish, Human Rights at Sea International attended and undertook an intervention at the Seafish Seafood Ethics Common Language Group, 10 July 2024 at Friends House, London.

A full day's agenda covered stakeholder perspectives including the impact of investigative journalism and NGO reports on business and consumer behaviour; the time, effort and money spent on addressing these issues, and how it has influenced calls to the UK Government.

In the afternoon, sessions included individual insights into:

  • The legislative framework - what is coming and what it could mean?
  • Understanding the CS3D: Implications for the seafood industry.
  • Human rights, social equity and sustainability in seafood 10 years on: Where do we go from here? 
  • The role of certification. How standards have evolved over the last ten years? What next? 

In the final intervention of the day, Executive Director, David Hammond provided an overview of the challenges for human rights in the seafood industry, the abuses, the perspectives, the ongoing issues of assurance, the realities and what can be done now.

These points are included in a set of publicly available slides available in both our Resources section, and below.



SECLEG Seafood Certifications Presentation Image



Source: HRAS International.

Photo credits: IStock, HRAS International.

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